2023-2024 Bus Routes and Schedules Released
Information is now available about the Marshall County Schools transportation routes for the 2023-2024 academic year.
The list can be found here: http://marshall-k12.wvnet.edu/boe/marshall-county-schools-bus-routes/ or under the Links tab at the top of this page. Click on Transportation and then Bus Routes. Choose a bus number to download a schedule.
If you’re not sure what bus your child should ride, please contact the Transportation Department at 304-843-4422.
Each morning, please make sure your child is at the bus stop a minimum of five minutes prior to the time listed. Students are not permitted to ride a bus other than the one assigned to their home address without the prior consent of the bus garage.
Please note: Some bus routes and bus numbers have changed since last year. Those changes are noted below.