September Strings Program


Welcome back! I am very excited for strings classes and to begin making music this school year. Strings classes will meet on Mondays in the media center and Thursdays in the music room. 4th grade strings will meet from 8:10-8:40, and 5th grade strings will meet from 8:40-9:10. Students are to drop off their instruments in these rooms when they arrive at school in the morning. Please take time to carefully read the class syllabus which was sent home on the first day of class and return the proper forms.

Fifth grade has already started classes, and 4th grade will begin classes on Thursday, September 5th. Fourth grade will need instruments beginning on Monday, September 9th. Please mark concert dates down on your calendar as well. The winter concert will be on Monday, December 9, 2013, and the spring concert will be on Monday, May 5, 2014. Both concerts will be at the John Marshall Center for the Performing Arts at 7:00pm. Please remember that ALL information regarding the strings program should be directed to Mr. Jones. I look forward to a great school year!