You can purchase insurance to cover your child should they have an accident at home or at school...
Your child may have an accident at school. This same insurance can be purchased to cover your child 24 hours a day!
Each year students do indeed fall while playing in gym class or on the playground. Many times at Center McMechen those children are not covered by insurance and families experience the burden of paying a medical bill for a broken arm or sprained ankle. We do everything we can to maintain a safe environment but the truth of the matter is that children do find ways of getting hurt.
Since children are prone to injuries, we encourage you to review your health and accident insurance to see if it is adequate. If you do not have insurance or if your insurance has a large deductible or co-payment please consider buying the accident insurance as described in the brochure which is sent home today with this newsletter. School –time coverage is as low as $14 for the year. A better deal is the $72 for full-time coverage including after school hours and the summer months.
I strongly urge you to purchase accident insurance if your child is not covered by another insurance policy. Payment is made directly to the company with the envelop provided! - Mrs. Holt